General terms

General Conditions 2021-2022

The trips referenced are organized by SUTREIA TRAVEL, S.L., hereinafter SUTREIA, with its address at Calle Goloso 5, 28023, Madrid. By purchasing or participating in any of our trips, the consumer expressly accepts all of the General Conditions reflected herein. Any errors or variations detected after sending a quote will be communicated in writing to the relevant client.


Start and End of Our Services

The services provided by SUTREIA are terrestrial. They begin when the client receives the first scheduled service from our company and end when the client receives the last scheduled service (transfer, breakfast, or the one corresponding to the acquired package). SUTREIA is not responsible for the consequences or circumstances arising from services not provided by our company (airline issues, deterioration or loss of luggage on flights, customs/border or documentation issues, etc.).


Price Includes

SUTREIA details the included services in each itinerary. All circuits also include travel assistance insurance. As a general rule, a strict literal criterion must be followed, according to which, what is not specifically detailed as included in the trip price is excluded. In case of any doubt, the consumer should consult us to avoid future claims.


Price Does Not Include

In general, any service not listed as included in the program, contract, or information provided to the traveler. Airport taxes, cruise boarding fees, visas, entry and exit taxes to countries, tips, hotel extras, optional activities, drinks, meals, entrance fees (museums, monuments, and other points visited) unless indicated as included in the itinerary.



No reservation will be considered effective until it is confirmed in writing by us. Likewise, a place will not be considered reserved if an advance payment of the corresponding amount has not been made. The amount of this advance payment will be indicated in the quote sent for this purpose and, in any case, will always have to be sufficient to cover possible cancellation expenses.



SUTREIA will not consider any reservation canceled until it is done in writing via our email address. The consumer may withdraw from the requested or contracted services at any time, being entitled to a refund of certain amounts paid, as detailed below:

Management expenses and cancellation fees if incurred, regardless of the departure date and once the trip has been confirmed by SUTREIA. Management fees billed by SUTREIA will be €100 per file and, in addition, a penalty consisting of:

Cancellation up to 30 days before the circuit start date: 50% of the total budget.

Cancellation up to 10 days before the circuit start date: 25% of the total budget.

No show: 0% of the total budget.

If the cancellation occurs before departure due to force majeure, only management fees and costs incurred for services that cannot be canceled in advance will be billed.

If the cancellation occurs en route due to force majeure, the traveler is entitled to a proportional refund of the amount paid/time not enjoyed. Management fees and costs incurred will be billed in all cases. For calculating this amount, only the services provided by SUTREIA will be considered, and the refund will be made on the amount billed by SUTREIA to its travel agency (therefore subject to the deduction of the ceded commissions). We recommend in all cases contracting cancellation insurance.

The prices given must be considered per person depending on the type of accommodation. In cases where, after the resignation or cancellation en route of a passenger, the type of room occupancy is reduced (from double to single, from triple to double), the price difference, if applicable, will be charged to the refund amount of the client who canceled.

The final price will be obtained once the definitive number of group passengers is known, providing the price per person as the result of the sum of the proportional part of the common group expenses, the season, and the type of accommodation. In cases where a passenger resigns or cancels en route, there will be no refund of the proportional part billed for the group's common expenses. The client will be entitled to a proportional refund of the amount paid/time not enjoyed. Costs incurred for changing the type of occupancy (double room to single; triple to double) will be charged, if applicable, to the refund amount of the client. Costs incurred will be billed in all cases.



Alterations in arrival/departure dates, change of circuit, etc., are subject to the following penalties:

Management Expenses.- Penalty subject to management expenses whenever a change of arrival/departure, change of circuit, or any modification is made once the reservation is made.

Cancellation fees and percentages if they occur less than 30 days in advance.

If a client wishes to make an en route alteration to their circuit, there will be a penalty equivalent to the management expenses and the costs incurred for modifying the services. These will be informed at the time of the request.


Guaranteed Departures

All our routes have guaranteed departures, although in very limited cases it could happen that SUTREIA cannot operate a departure. If this happens, SUTREIA will offer solutions such as changing the departure date to an earlier or later one or changing the circuit to another similar one, either its own or operated by a third party.

SUTREIA reserves the right to provide individual services, which may be provided in regular transport, in case of low occupancy in a sector or on the entire trip, which may result in some variations from the planned program.

Guaranteed departures may be canceled, without compensation or liability from SUTREIA, if there are exceptional force majeure circumstances, meaning any event beyond our or our suppliers' control, whose consequences could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include war and acts of terrorism (and threats thereof), civil conflicts, significant health risks such as the outbreak of serious diseases or pandemics, or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, or weather conditions that make it impossible to travel safely to or stay at the destination.


Price Revision

The prices given have considered the exchange rate level at the time of preparing the quote and will not be modified if the monthly average parity of the dollar against the euro, during the month before the reservation was requested, does not vary by more than 10%. In case of variations above or below the indicated exchange values, prices will be adjusted (up or down) in the same proportion.

In the case of exceptional economic circumstances such as significant changes in fuel costs, currency fluctuations, or currency changes in any visited country, the given prices could be reviewed and modified. If this occurs, SUTREIA will inform you in writing of the change at least 15 days before the start of your trip.


Non-Acceptance of Passengers

A moderate degree of health and physical capacity is required to participate in our tours. SUTREIA does not have the capacity to assist people with special physical or mental needs. If necessary, they must travel accompanied by a person who ensures assistance and care for their correct adaptation to the circuit, and these costs will be borne by the passengers. In cases where the client accepts these terms for the tour, SUTREIA cannot assume any responsibility regarding the difficulties or impossibilities that such a passenger may encounter in undertaking the activities planned for the tour package, nor can it be held responsible for providing any assistance for their adaptation or continuation of the trip.

In the cases of passengers over 80 years old traveling alone or passengers with special needs traveling accompanied, SUTREIA cannot assume any responsibility.

Please note that our vehicles do not have wheelchair access ramps. Failure to notify of the difficulty and if assistance is needed to continue the circuit, this will be billed directly to the client, if execution is possible.

No reservation will be accepted, or SUTREIA reserves the right to interrupt a circuit for passengers whose physical and/or mental conditions make their participation very difficult or dangerous for themselves or others. In these cases, they must always travel accompanied by a person who ensures the necessary care or assistance for their correct adaptation to the circuit.

SUTREIA must also be informed at the time of booking if there is a person with obesity that could make it impossible to occupy a single seat in the vehicle without causing discomfort to other passengers. In this case, SUTREIA may request an additional supplement to provide adequate service for the passenger's comfort. Failure to notify this circumstance in writing at the time of booking may be sufficient cause for denial of the circuit.

SUTREIA also reserves the right to expel passengers who significantly disturb the smooth running of the trip.



All travelers must carry their documentation in order (passport, visas, and health certificate if required in any country), being entirely responsible for any inconveniences that may arise from non-compliance with this rule. Even with the correct documentation, entry into the country may be denied. In case of denial due to compliance with health protocol derived from Covid-19, you will need to request proof at the airport to be considered by SUTREIA as cancellation due to force majeure. It is the passenger's responsibility to keep their documentation and airline tickets secure.

Interruption of services contracted due to lack of necessary documentation or as a result of denial of passage at a border for this reason is not considered "Cancellation due to force majeure." SUTREIA will not consider "Cancellation due to force majeure" if you travel with a different passport and are denied access as a result.

We want to warn that border authorities frequently deny passage to passengers they consider to have acquired the trip for non-tourist purposes (immigrants). SUTREIA cannot manage or refund any lost services in these cases.


Covid Friendly

COVID FRIENDLY is a feature of the circuits operated by SUTREIA bearing this seal during the period of risk caused by Covid-19.

During this period, we will adopt the highest security measures in our circuits to reinforce travelers' peace of mind, measures that, in turn, will result in greater comfort and better services.

The COVID FRIENDLY conditions are as follows:

To ensure your safety, 48 hours before starting a trip, our guides will undergo a test for the detection of covid-19. Availability of disinfectant gels, medical kits, and provision of disposable masks to all travelers in the vehicles. Implementation of extraordinary cleaning and disinfection measures in the vehicles with antiviral products, emphasizing contact areas. Generally, accommodations offering the highest health guarantees will be used. At the guide's discretion and depending on tourism developments, some schedules may be modified to visit places at less crowded times. Given the continuous modifications of health protocols made by each country due to the exceptional socio-sanitary situation, some itineraries and services planned at the time of preparing the itineraries may be affected (breakfasts, openings of places, visits, maximum authorized capacities, closures of some museums, porter service, etc.). SUTREIA, as the guarantor of travelers' safety, will always respect the established regulations and will try to evaluate a substitute visit if possible.



All our routes include the presence of accompanying guides throughout the trip and, in addition, will be the vehicle's driver, and local guides in cases specified. Guides may be bilingual (usually Spanish/Portuguese or Spanish/English).

Accompanying guides will always be present during tours. When there are no included services in the program, our guides may be performing other functions.

Guide assistance begins when the included services in your program start.

SUTREIA's accompanying guides will not be present on additional nights or during cruises/flights/trains/regular transport or individually arranged packages.



The planned accommodations will vary depending on the desired and contracted category. All accommodation information is in your quote, although it is indicative of the planned accommodations' category, the final list will be provided 48 hours before your start date.

The planned accommodations will be contracted with specific criteria according to the selected circuit's mode and content. The indication of reflected accommodations should be considered indicative depending on their availability, which in some cases, due to the location's size and number of accommodations or coincidence with exceptional moments of fairs, festivals, or other events, may change, being replaced by similar accommodations in nearby areas of similar category and comfort.

Location and Comfort: Although there are differences depending on the existing products and series, SUTREIA has selected accommodations that offer an excellent quality/price ratio with comfort and location.

Accommodations are always (except in exceptional circumstances) in the cities where they are directed, sometimes central, sometimes near the center, and sometimes in more peripheral areas but connected by public transport to the city center.

Our accommodations are not luxury; remember that official categories and bed and room sizes vary by country.

There will always be a private bathroom in your room. Some accommodations, mainly in northern Europe, do not have air conditioning, or local legislation sets the permitted dates for its use. In some circuits, there are significant differences in the quality of accommodations depending on the cities where you will stay.

In many accommodations, there are no triple rooms, and they are, in fact, a double room (with one or two beds) to which another bed is added, which in some cases may be foldable or a sofa bed. We do not recommend traveling in triple if not a family with children as they are often more uncomfortable. In much of Europe, the maximum number of people allowed per room is three, including minors, so we recommend that if the family unit consists of 4 people, with one or two children under 3 years old, reserve 2 double rooms.

Accommodations offer a limited number of triples, and it may be necessary in some exceptional cases to use a double and a single room instead.

SUTREIA cannot guarantee the availability of double matrimonial rooms in all accommodations, and in some of them, the only possible option may be two single beds. Similarly, in some cases, a "twin" double room (two separate beds) may consist of a double bed and a sofa bed.

It is possible that, depending on the country, you will be required to validate your credit card upon arrival at the accommodation. These are rules beyond SUTREIA's control, generally to cover possible extra expenses during your stay. In the unlikely event of an inappropriate charge, you must notify the accommodation immediately to resolve the misunderstanding directly, but SUTREIA cannot be held responsible for transactions between the client and the accommodation, although it will help as much as possible to resolve it.

Start and End Use of the Room: Check-in at accommodations is usually around 2:00 PM, while check-out is usually at 10:00 AM. Consider the possibility of booking an additional night if you want the room guaranteed ready for your immediate check-in upon arrival or the end of services if you want more time to use your room.

Breakfasts: Breakfasts will always be included during the circuits and additional nights.

Taxes: Hotel taxes will always be included in group reservations and additional nights.

Variations: Due to our maximum flexibility policy, we are often required to change the planned accommodations to similar ones, sometimes a few days before arrival at the destination, especially in high season.

In exceptional cases (dates of high hotel occupancy, festivals, fairs, beatifications, major sporting events), SUTREIA may change the planned accommodation point to nearby cities to the visited ones. In these cases, the visit program will be maintained as much as possible, and means of communication with the city listed in the program will be provided during the group's stay in this city (not so on additional nights).

Responsibilities: SUTREIA has selected accommodations that ensure compliance with health and hygiene protocols required by the competent authorities of the country; however, SUTREIA is not responsible for the maintenance of the contracted accommodations. If you consider that your room has inadequate maintenance or does not guarantee hygienic/sanitary conditions, you should discuss it with your guide to assess the situation.

The passenger will be responsible to the accommodation in case of damage to its furniture and facilities, as well as damages and losses caused to other travelers and third parties, or fines and expenses that, due to their cause, SUTREIA is forced to pay to the authorities.



The services provided by SUTREIA are terrestrial and are carried out in standard vans driven by our guides complying with current regulations.

Most journeys are made on highways or fast roads in stages usually covered in 3/6 hours of travel, although there are longer stages of 8/9 hours.

The comfort characteristics are standard within the van patterns. Our vans do not have wheelchair access ramps.



Route by route, we indicate if you have included the arrival or departure transfer. The transfer can only be made if SUTREIA has been given the correct and complete information of the flight number/airport/schedule/hotel, being the passenger responsible for sending us the necessary data. SUTREIA will not assume any refund, compensation, or responsibility if we have not received the data or they are incorrect.

Our transfer agent will wait for you after you have collected your luggage and passed through customs with a sign bearing your name or "SUTREIA." Make sure to exit through the door closest to the luggage collection point, usually the one indicated as your flight exit.

Important: If for any reason you are delayed in leaving (border hold-up, lost luggage, etc.), missed a connection, or your flight was changed, urgently notify your transfer agent. If not notified, the transfer agent will leave after waiting 1 hour at airports and 30 minutes at train stations, and you will lose the right to the transfer service. If you have also booked the departure transfer, please check the pickup time with your guide on the day of your flight.

The right to transfer is lost if you decide to book intermediate nights between the passenger's arrival and the start of our services. The included transfers will only be provided from a hotel, station, port, or airport in the city of the start of services to the hotel of the start of your circuit or vice versa. Only airports/ports located within a 40 km radius of the center will be considered, and rates must be consulted for more distant airports frequently used by low-cost airlines.



The luggage space in the vans is limited, forcing us to limit the maximum authorized luggage per passenger, which in our regular coach circuits will be one suitcase per person with a maximum weight of 15 kilos. Note that the hand luggage you can carry inside must be very small as there is no space for this purpose.

If the total luggage does not fit, our guide may send the passengers' excess luggage by express courier service. The charge for such shipments will have to be paid by the travelers carrying the excess luggage.

Luggage is the sole responsibility of the passenger throughout the trip; carry it with you and take care of it at all times. SUTREIA will not accept any responsibility for lost, stolen, or robbed luggage, nor for thefts occurring in accommodations or inside vehicles.


Travel Insurance

SUTREIA has arranged travel assistance insurance for all its passengers. The policy validity starts upon arrival at the destination, at the beginning of the services with SUTREIA, and ends at the end of the circuit provided by our company. Therefore, it does not include incidents during air segments or pre- or post-stays not contracted with our company.

If assistance is needed, contact the guide to initiate the management. If not possible, contact the insurance company directly to organize the assistance. Your contract will include the contact details and the general conditions and coverage of your travel assistance.

SUTREIA cannot assume any responsibility in cases where the insurance company considers that the policy does not cover the expenses claimed by the traveler, regardless of the reason for such an assumption.

SUTREIA recommends that all clients purchase additional insurance with greater coverage than included in our circuits.



If you believe there is any breach of the contracted services with SUTREIA, please ask our accompanying guide or representative for a written note indicating the breach. If this is not feasible for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible about the breach to seek an urgent resolution. If this aspect is not fulfilled, in the case of a subsequent claim, the burden of proof of the claimed events will lie with the consumer. SUTREIA guarantees a response to all written or received claims within 40 days following the trip's end date. SUTREIA will not attend claims received after the indicated date due to the difficulty of making the necessary inquiries after a long period of time.

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